woensdag 31 oktober 2007


Yesterday L brougt N over. A couple of months back we already babysitted N for a weekend and now she is staying with us for the whole week.
Although L was saying that she gained weight, she is in top form. After the squash game yesterday I went for a walk with her. The walk turned into a run at the beginning of the park. This time I wasn't the one winning the battle, she ran in front of me. This long weekend (yes Thursday and Friday off) I will take her for a 25 minute run and see the effects on the tiny legs.

dinsdag 30 oktober 2007

Rijden in comateuse toestand

Ongelooflijk bericht op vrt nieuwsdienst

di 30/10/07 - In Sint-Niklaas is een 43-jarige man veroordeeld omdat hij betrapt werd achter het stuur met 5,15 promille alcohol in zijn bloed.
Volgens de rechtbank werd nooit iemand betrapt die zoveel gedronken had. De man werd vorig jaar gevonden achter het stuur van zijn auto toen hij in een sloot was gereden langs de Pillendijk in Kieldrecht. De bestuurder verzette zich toen hevig en moest geboeid worden overgebracht naar het commissariaat. De man geeft toe dat hij een alcoholverslaving heeft, maar zou daarvoor in behandeling zijn. Hij moet 1.650 euro betalen en is zijn rijbewijs voor drie maanden kwijt.

Zeno: En hoe lang ben je je rijbewijs kwijt als je 1 promille in je bloed hebt?

maandag 29 oktober 2007

Beer, wine and rhum

Yes the weekend was great. Place Lux, after work on Fridays is becoming a habit. I parked the car in front of the apartment and took the bus.
I and P had already arrived and were chatting away with some people. I was thirsty and started with a big beer. R with the new haircut joined us as well. Everybody wanted to see a glimpse of O. As usual he was a bit late and this was all due to work.
A and M rushed into the bar to see the magic O. We were glued to his lips when he was talking about his first impressions of Puerto Rico. Breakfast seems to be a reason to get up. The fruit section in and outside the shops are very exotic. Coconuts are just collected from the ground once the fall from the tree. P you have got yourself a nice job when we come over.
O was always complaining about the paperwork he had to fill in whenever he went to the city hall or had to talk to other Belgian authorities. Apparently Puerto Rico is worse.

And yes in the meantime we kept on drinking. During the drinking some more friends showed up and at the end we decided that we needed to balance the alcohol with a burger from the Radisson. A burger without a glass of wine is not a proper burger, so wine was added into my already full liver.

And that was just the Friday evening. Saturday evening we had food and drinks at a M's place, Sunday lunchtime with T and A and in the evening my dad had prepared us a spaghetti.

Tonight we will be celebrating B birthday.

And tomorrow I'm going on a diet till Wednesday evening when we will have our next food and drinks feast.

vrijdag 26 oktober 2007

O made it to Belgium

O has made it to Belgium. He arrived in the morning and went straigth into work. He had meetings the whole day long and a got the phone call around 19h00.
At that moment I was preparing myself mentally for my weekly game of squash against P. We had some good games. I was very happy with some of the shots that I had played. P might used the excuse that one of the strings snapped, but it won't work.
After a quick shower I headed to the pitta place in Brussels for a dinner with O. It's weird, since he left Brussels I only had pitta twice.
Since we had so much to discuss we headed to a pub and were able to chat with a couple of Duvels. It was a great night and the good thing, we will be going to Place Lux tonight for more liquid lunch.
And now ................. work

donderdag 25 oktober 2007

Will we see O???

O should arrive in Belgium today.
Watching football has its benefits. While I was watching football I was chatting with P. It was P who informed us that O would spend the night at R's place although R is still unaware of this. According to P again O would spend the night in our apartment on Friday and will take his flight to Spain on Saturday evening.
We were supposed to have a quiet weekend this weekend! Well it's not going to be the case. On Friday we will be going to Place Lux (will O be there????). On Saturday we have to go gift shopping for 2 friends. In the evening we have a drink at a colleague from I. Will I have to give O a lift to the airport and when??? According to P he will either fly out around 22h or arrive in Madrid around 22h. On Sunday we will have lunch with T & A and sandwiches with my parents on Sunday evening.

No, P is not O secretary although you might think so.

woensdag 24 oktober 2007

Cold winter???

Winter has kicked in. Yesterday morning I had to scrape ice of the windows of the car. This morning I didn’t had to! It really feels like winter. It’s a good test for me. I guess that the weather conditions in Sweden will be worse than here in Belgium.
I guess that this weekend I will be going to Decathlon to start buying my warm underwear. I already have the jacket and the gloves from skiing, but I will have to ensure that I buy myself proper warm clothes to go running.
If Y or O are reading this, I know that the weather is better on the other side of the ocean!

dinsdag 23 oktober 2007


Yesterday evening I played a game of badminton against T. We were the only 2 to show up and after a 5 minute warm-up we started a match.
Last weekend we watched a couple of badminton games on a Dutch channel. The game looks so easy when you see them play. Those players (top of the world) are able to play all the shot and make it look so easy.
Well…………… the difference is huge. During the warm up I had issues because of the speedminton I played on Sunday. The shuttle wasn’t as fast and dropped on the floor a meter before me while I was trying to hit it. First moments of embarrassment.
The first 2 games were very intense and the after the second set the sweat was dripping on the floor. I hadn’t played an intense single game for a long time and the difference between badminton and squash is huge. Each won a set in the beginning. I won the last 2 games (only because I was a bit fitter than T).
The difference in game strategy was significant. T varied his game a lot, he manages both drop and long shots. There were moments were I thought that the shuttle would drop before crossing the net and at the end I had to run like a lunatic to reach the shuttle. Luckily we don’t have computer statistics after a game, I would have looked ridiculous.
Before I left the office I wanted to go for a run after badminton.
A good shower and dragging myself in the sofa were the only activities after I drove back from the sports centre.

maandag 22 oktober 2007

Formatie dag ?????

De hoeveelste dag zijn we nu al zonder een regering?
Het begint een onozel spelleke te worden. Voor zover ik begrijp hebben we een interim regering die wat lopende zaken afhandeld, maar over niets meer mag stemmen.
Op dit moment schieten de olieprijzen de lucht in door een conflict in het Midden Oosten. Een pak sectoren hebben hier last van. Denk maar aan transport sector, taxi bedrijven etc. Zij kunnen niets doen omdat de interim regering hier geen bevoegdheid voor heeft.
En nu gaat het FDF nog wat meer dwaze spelletjes spelen. In 3 faciliteitsgemeenten gaan ze de gemeenteraad in het Frans houden terwijl dit bij wet verboden is.
Er is toch positief nieuws. De verschillende coalitiepartners hebben al een akkoord bereikt over justitie, veiligheid en binnenlandse zaken.

Ondertussen verliezen we ons gezicht in de rest van de wereld. Verleden week bereikte ons het bericht dat verschillende buitenlandse bedrijven enorm geïnvesteerd hebben in ons land. Ik begrijp dat mensen de cijfers willen betwisten, maar de feiten zijn er toch. België is een goed land om in te investeren.
Het politieke (communautaire gezever) zet dit wel voor een deel op de helling.

Maar alle, laten we maar hopen dat we voor het einde van het jaar een regering hebben. Als we nog een beetje wachten kunnen we de federale en regionale verkiezingen op dezelfde dag hebben.

zondag 21 oktober 2007

Car crash

Yesterday evening F&L and their two kids invaded our apartment. We hadn’t seen each other for a long time. The chips and little cheese cubes were a big success with the kids. I and F inhaled both the flavour and the liquid of a nice white wine. I prepared a rhum-based cocktail for both L and myself.
At the end of the night F&L decided to spend the night with us. We managed the logistics. The kids and L installed themselves in the guest bedroom while F slept in the sofa (I have already tried to sofa out myself a couple of month ago and I must admit that our sofa is very comfortable to sleep in).
After breakfast we decided to go to the park to give the children the time to play a bit. We don’t really have a lot of toys in our apartment. On our way to the park we heard a car braking and quickly after that the bang of cars crashing into each other. At the end of the street we saw the damage, a van had driven into a BMW. The trunk of the car was completely gone and smoke was coming out of the BMW.
The speed limit on Franklin Roosevelt is 50 km/h. After seeing the damage we all had the impression that the person driving the van was speeding.
It was only during the speedminton game that we heard the police and fire brigade rushing towards the accident.
I just cannot imagine what would have happened if this accident would have happened two minutes earlier while we were crossing the street!

vrijdag 19 oktober 2007


I'm only moving to Sweden at the end of this year, beginning of next year. My choice to move to Sweden is already affecting my decisions right now. In March 2008 the new Lotto Arena is hosting Nightwish, one of my favourite bands.
The question of the day is: will I buy my tickets here or do I start surfing on the internet to see if they also perform in Sweden.
And this is not the only band where I would like to buy tickets for. The Cure is coming to Belgium. I know that talking about the Cure makes me look old, but they are a top band. I still remember the days where .............................. I was dressed in black ................................
As everythings stands right now I will be saving money by playing the chicken and not attending either of the 2 concerts.

snif snif snif

dinsdag 16 oktober 2007

Thank you G.!!!

The Oriflame gang gathered around for their weekly Tuesday squash. We were 9 to smack that ball against the wall. I started of against T. who as usual gave me a hard time. He won the first set and the other 2 were won by me. By that moment I was already sweating and I still had to play against the master.
I guess that E. will not play next week. Last week I tattooed his hand by hitting the ball on it. I swear that I didn't do it on purpose. Today G. hit him with the racket on the butt cheek with his racket. G. hadn’t seen him. The both of us came to the conclusion that E. is too quick on the squash court.
And then game itself. I guess that people watching the game had a good time, we didn't. Our game was full of long rally’s and the other colleagues were all watching the game. It is frustrating to play super shots and then seeing G. returning them.
Victory, victory, victory ………………. I won, I was so pleased but had no juice in my body to celebrate it.
We are now a couple hours later and my legs are killing me. What will it be tomorrow (or even worse on Thursday)??????????????

maandag 15 oktober 2007

This weekend

We got so used to having P. in our apartment that we miss her. The weekend was great and a bit too heavy. We started with some drinks on Place Lux on Friday and a bottle of wine with pizza at our place. As usual on Fridays I watched TV while I should already have gone to bed.
On Saturday morning we bought the present for I. godchild. We purchased a laptop for kids (with a mouse). His teacher had told the parents that kids nowadays (he only turned 4) know how to use a PC and he was the only one of his class that didn’t knew how to operate a PC. Well from now on he will be a wiz kid.
We had to be in Ganshoren at 16h00 to celebrate his birthday with the rest of the family. I and I drove separately because P. was having her farewell party in our apartment. Traffic was horribly. An accident happened on the inner ring. I had the superb idea to take the scooter and managed to go between the cars. I must have passed V. on my way back home. It took her over an hour to get from Affligem to our apartment.
The party was great (not for everyone since France lost against England in rugby). We met some of P.’s friends that we had never seen before. Our place hosted a blend of nationalities. P. had clearly mentioned that no food would be served. Some people took this very literally and took their own food to heat up in the microwave. A new way of throwing parties I must say.
Around 2 a.m. most of the people had left. We cleaned up the apartment after that and went to bed. I was tired and had the intention to sleep long, but ………………………………………… the helicopters broadcasting the marathon of Brussels thought differently. We woke up around 8 o’clock. We couldn’t sleep afterwards.
Around 11 a.m. we enjoyed a brunch on Place Lux and spend the rest of the afternoon in the apartment. In the evening we drove P to the airport and went to my parents for dinner. I was dead by the end of the evening.

woensdag 10 oktober 2007

Work & sports

I have the whole week a DRP training at work. The 2 brain cells that I have are overloaded. Yesterday I played squash with M, P & E. I ran a lot and realised some nice shots, apart from one. During the game against E I hadn't seen that he had moved in the direction where I wanted to hit the ball. Instead of bouncing against the wall, the ball dropped from his hand on to the floor. The mark of the ball is still visible on his hand today.
And off course he has been blaming me the whole day with it.
P will organize her party in our apartment this Saturday. I'm in charge of the music and already started to create a playlist in Itunes. I already have the equivalent of 9 hours of music and made an effort to select music that other people might like.
I'm looking forward to celebrating R farewell drink and dinner. I guess that this will be the last time I will be seeing some of my ex-J&J colleagues. And now back to reality -> DRP training!

maandag 8 oktober 2007

This weekend

My parents organised a party this weekend to celebrate their 60th birthday and their retirement this year. They had invited both friends and family. The DJ started the evening after the both warm and cold buffet. My mom was really into it and was almost non stop on the dance floor. The last people only left the venue around 2 in the morning.
We shared the table with a Belgo-Danish, Belgo-half English couple and our friends V and S. If everybody will come and visit us in Stockholm, I'm going to resign immediately and open a bed and breakfast in Sweden. S is seeing somebody in Germany. This guy must be fantastic if you see the smile on her face. I'm really glad for her.
We got back home around 3. The next morning I woke up around 9 to watch match of the day. There were only 2 games. After the football I had the superb idea of going for a run. I went into the forest and ....................... got lost. I had to intention to run for 45 minutes but at the end I was gone for an hour and 15 minutes. I was completely dead by the moment I got back home and the shower didn't really change it.
My legs were still heavy this evening when I played badminton with M., E. and T.

vrijdag 5 oktober 2007

Belgian football

What is happening to your first national sport? It is quite sad to hear that only Anderlecht will survive the winter in Europe. Apart from Standard none of the Belgian teams had to play a team with a more difficult league.
Too bad that the best Belgian team at the moment (Standard) couldn't qualify. At this moment only 2 teams are bringing attractive football. Standard, a team who is playing with a lot of youngsters and Cercle Brugge, the revelation of this season start.
They should do something to make the game more attractive to watch. Even during champions league games I cannot focus anymore. I have the impression that I'm watching a game of risk with lively players.
Apart from Defour we don't have that many young players that see the game, have fun during the 90 minutes and have the balls to convince others to look at the game the way he does. I have the impression that young players are drilled to follow the drills. Let young players which are very talented exploit their talents. Why don't we train them more on indoor football to develop their dribbel skills.
Is this wishfull thinking?

My first week at Oriflame

Today is already my 5th working day at Oriflame. I don't have the feeling that I'm the lost son who found the path to heaven again.
The job content is completely different to what I had done before. I'm looking forward to the new challenge I have undertaken by joining again. I'm at the beginning of a new learning curve, which gives beautiful sparkles to the Oriflame dream. It surprised me that I know so little on the overall process. When you work in a department you only know the touch points with the other departments, but not really everything in dept. Next week I will have to learn all the ins and outs of the DRP process. I will have a continuous head ache. I’ll have to drink alcohol this weekend to free up space in my memory.
I had an SQL training yesterday in a very tiny, warm room. The projector and all the laptops added a few degrees to the average temperature of the room. By the end of the day my few brain cells were boiling and overloaded.
Luckily I still had a game of squash lined up. Danish dynamite made me run and at the end of the game I was completely exhausted. It made my head ache even worse, but what would men be without medication and a good night rest.
Today I'm feeling fine again and ready for some drinks at Place Lux tonight.
Tomorrow my parents are throwing a party for family and friends to celebrate their 60th birthday. I still cannot grasp the fact that they left the fifties behind them. I would like to age like they do. They have rented a venue and after a nice dinner we will be able to stretch our legs on the dance floor. We will have the make sure that we pick our favorite dancing shoes tomorrow evening.

woensdag 3 oktober 2007

Tuesday squash event

Yesterday was the first time in 2 weeks that I entered a squash court. We were 5 and had to rotate. I started my first game against T. who hadn't played for a while, but you couldn't tell. He won the first set and was leading in the second set. I was lucky and managed to win the second one by 10-8. At the end of the second game I managed my shots better and could control the game better and won the 3rd set. The sweat was dripping on the floor and it was only when we finished the game that we realised that we had played for 30 minutes. Not that nice for the 5th person that had to wait for us.
Tonight I will be playing B. who had a lot of squash practise last week. I will post the result of the game tomorrow.
I will have to decide this weekend if I will continue playing squash in the box on Mondays. They have changed the member fees. L. will give me the cost per month tonight.

maandag 1 oktober 2007

My first day at Oriflame

4 months after closing the Oriflame door behind me, I opened the door again.

I started my day with an all day meeting. I thought I would have forgotten a lot, but some braincells picked up the topics of the day again.

I'm fully booked for the next 2 weeks. I will be working very closely with A. as of next week. A lot of vitamins will be required to completely understand the DRP. I have 3 months to grasp the whole process (which is almost impossible).

Organisation at Oriflame is a weak point at the moment. It's understandable since every week people leave and come. I already have a desk and a PC, the rest will follow.

I'm already on a Swedish contract, I need to look for the public holidays and hope that I will have November 1st off.

I was missing the positive stress in the past month. The feeling already came back during my first day.